Jaffa Movie Showtime
Titles Started with Good BGM and Crime theme
Brahmi Entry in Khaidi Getup,Good Respones from Audience
Good Introduction for Dhanraj and Melkoti who screwed Brahmi
Venu as Allaudin,Brahmi Childhood Friend
Funny Interrogation with Brahmi
Vennela kishore entry as Jailor
Raghu Babu Intro as Church father is Funny
Venu and Gang Comedy Games in jail is hilarious
Jaffa Becoming Popular Day by Day by this acts in jail
--- INTERVAL --- Brahmi plans to help khaidi's get out of hangout punishments is gud.
Brahmi comedy is slowly Changing into overaction.
Vennela Kishore serious comedy interrogation scene is funny.
Oversmart plan of Brahmi to escape has backfired.
Whistles at entry of Thagubothu Ramesh.
Ali made a super entry to find out missing Jaffa.
Once again new comedians are being added in the film but nothing fun is going on.
Outdated comedy flowing in.
Ali trying to bring comedy but not working.
Funny phone conversation scenes of Brahmi folks.
Looks Like film reaching climax.
Finally Ali found out Brahmi in a funny pattern.
Film Ends Finally