Ramayya Vasthavayya is an upcoming Telugu film written and directed by Harish Shankar. The film is produced by Dil Raju under their Sri Venkateswara Creations banner, and will star Jr. NTR, Samantha and Shruti Haasan in lead roles. This is the second time Jr. NTR is acting with Samantha after Brindavanam.Here is the Second Teaser Trailer :
Download 1080p Hd Ramayya Vasthavayya Jabilli Nuvve Cheppamma Video 3gp Mp4
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on 10:45
Ramayya Vasthavayya is an upcoming Telugu film written and directed by Harish Shankar. The film is produced by Dil Raju under their Sri Venkateswara Creations banner, and will star Jr. NTR, Samantha and Shruti Haasan in lead roles. This is the second time Jr. NTR is acting with Samantha after Brindavanam.Here is the Second Teaser Trailer :