Technical Details: Satellite: IS-17,3876 MHz, S.r: 14.3 MSPS, FEC-3/4, Pol: H, 8PSK DVB S2, MPEG4
Telugu New Tv Channel "Tollywood TV" has been Launched.This channel will have three siblings, one briefing the Telugu films, one on News and the third an English channel named 'Travel Trendz' on global tourism. The pressmeet is also attendedby the CEO of the channel Sharma, directors Anjaneyulu, Narsimha Reddy and Surender Reddy and actress Sanjjna.
The English channel, called ‘Travel Trendz’, which is currently in the stage of sending test signals, focuses on global travel and tourism.Tollywood TVand cinema are the twin channels focussing on Telugu cinemas.It will Soon Be available on All Major DTH Platforms Soon.Contact Your Cable Operator Now.